Meet the Team
Get to know the team behind The Early Years Partnership.
The Early Years Partnership Board includes two independent co-chairs and representatives from the partner organisations. The Early Years Partnership Board creates the authorising environment and mobilises the resources that enable the delivery of the partnership. The Board meets quarterly to provide strategic direction, oversee the delivery of the partnership, ensure agreed outcomes and targets are achieved and that any emerging risks or issues are appropriately managed. It also provides advice and direction when issues are raised by the community.

Matthew Cox

Glenda Kickett

Mike Rowe

Ana Nieto

Juan Larranaga

Lisa Rodgers

Jeff Moffet

Jaqueline McGowan-Jones
Implementation Group
The Board is assisted by an Implementation Group which includes representatives from the partner agencies plus the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and The Kids Research Institute Australia.
The Implementation Group meets fortnightly to:
- Oversee the scope, schedule and overall delivery of activities that enable the development and progress of Community Plans and the Early Years Partnership as a whole,
- Respond to and resolve issues that are raised by the community via community governance,
- Provide advice, recommendations, and updates to the Board, including escalating matters that cannot be resolved by the Implementation Group, and
- Approve funding for actions that require new resources as per agreed Community Plans within its funding delegation.

Karina Chicote

Juan Larranaga

Tammy Prior

Dr Lynne Millar

Bec Smith

Ramu Naidoo

Steven Andree

Jane Roberts

Ana Gowrea

Chad Stewart
Project Team
The Project Team are based in the partner organisations. The team:
- Coordinates the development of Community Plans
- Leads the development and delivery of projects which support the implementation of Community Plans
- Provides secretariat functions for the Board and Implementation Group, including making recommendations
- Provides support to Local Working Groups in developing submissions for community-led projects
- Investigates opportunities to create broader system changes to improve outcomes for children aged 0-4.

Karina Chicote

Dr Jill Whelan

Liz Harrison

Tammy Prior

Dr Lynne Millar

Trish Lewis

Ana Gowrea

Dr Renee Teal

Linda Goncalves

Jillian Hunter

Francis Fernandez

Pauline Anyon

Stephen Gallagher

Kirsty De Blanken