About Us
About Central Great Southern
Achieving better well-being and developmental outcomes for children in Central Great Southern.
Key Community Priorities
The Central Great Southern EYP community and working group is committed to achieving the following outcomes for all.
Priority #1
Priority #2
Priority #3
Priority #4
Priority #5
Local Working Group
A new approach to co-designing, implementing, and evaluating the delivery of early childhood and family services.
The Early Years Partnership local working group oversees the development and implementation of a local community plan, aimed at improving children’s well-being and school readiness.
The Community Plan is an active document that outlines the community’s priorities for achieving better outcomes for children and their families. The working group work together to provide specialist advice, local knowledge, and transparent decision-making, to inform the strategic and operational priorities of the EYP in Great Central Southern and ensure these are successfully achieved to meet the local need.
To ensure local knowledge and representation from all four shires, the Group is made up of representatives from local and state government and non-government agencies, families and community members.
The Local Working Group includes representatives from the following organisations:
- Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation (Co-Chair)
- A Smart Start Great Southern (Co-Chair)
- Department of Communities
- Shire of Katanning
- Katanning Primary School
- Shire of Kojonup
- WA Country Health Services (WACHS)
- Gnowangerup District High school
- Shire of Gnowangerup
- CaLD Read Write Now group
- South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS)
Local Partner Organisations
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation is a strong voice for the Aboriginal people in the Central Great Southern Region of WA and delivers social and economic outcomes through jobs and training opportunities.
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation achieve their vision through building effective and sustainable capacity building partnerships, and establishing innovative land enterprises and social programs for the Aboriginal communities of the Central Great Southern.
Amity Health
A not-for-profit organisation providing health and wellbeing solutions to regional Western Australia.
South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS)
The South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS) is a Noongar Community Controlled Health Organisation, founded on the principles of self determination, empowerment and freedom of choice.
Our mission is to provide high quality, culturally appropriate and holistic healthcare which builds strong and healthy Aboriginal communities.
Great Southern Development Commission – A Smart Start
A Smart Start is a Great Southern initiative delivering community-based early learning intervention for children aged from birth to four years old.
The initiative provides families with the necessary foundation skills required for life-long learning, social interaction, plus physical and mental well-being. The initiative supports health and development milestones across all five developmental domains and aims to improve outcomes for children in the years before school.